

Certified by EQ World, Singapore in partnership with AHRC, UAE

The Enneagram Practitioner Certification course is a practical program that brings depth to the 9 personality types. The Enneagram Practitioner Certification is meant for trainers, coaches, consultants, sales team leads, bankers and financial advisors and anyone wanting to advance their knowledge and competence in self-improvement and coaching. The program will fundamentally bring a depth of awareness of oneself and open new and rich insights about your bosses, team members and those whom you influence and sell to.

This 32-hour Coach & Training certification program is an International Enneagram Association (IEA) accredited training program, which is conducted by IEA accredited professionals. The program is designed for individuals wishing to use the Enneagram in workshops, small groups, or one-to-one interactions in business, educational, consulting, therapeutic and spiritual development settings.

Certification Outcomes

The historical roots of the Enneagram.

The theoretical framework on which the Enneagram is based.

The key features of the nine Enneagram styles.

The resourceful and less-resourceful cognitive, emotional, and behavioral schemas.

The paradigm shifts in response to inner and outer stressors.

Communicating effectively with the 9 styles.

Dealing appropriately in conflict situations with the 9 styles.

Different traditions and approaches to the Enneagram and resources available: books, audio and video tapes, test instruments, newsletters, organizations, etc.

How to understand different personalities with their blends (Style mixture), Unresourceful and Resourceful types.

Different Methods of presenting the Enneagram, e.g. keynote, 2 day workshop, Teambuilding, coaching, couple coaching.

Coaching styles to get out of the box

Using the 9POV Profiling instrument for debriefing, coaching or recruitment.

Target Audience:

Leaders, Facilitators, Coaches & Consultants


4 Days

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