

Certified by EQ World, Singapore in partnership with AHRC, UAE

In this certification, you will experience how a typical EQ workshop is conducted in the first 2 days with a larger group. The 3rd day is dedicated to deepening your understanding of training an EQ workshop and designing a 1 and 2 day outline. The 4th day will be spent understanding the coaching content, debriefing the EQCP profile and facilitating coaching templates with clarity so that you’d be able to debrief and coach with confidence. Finally, the 5th day is spent participating in, observing different presentations and enhancing your repertoire of activities and training skills. This jam packed 5 day EQ Certification is meant to get you practicing and teaching the content immediately after the workshop. Our full 2 day workbook, slides, TTT manual, Coach workbook and 50 Games EQ Trainers Play Activity book will be available to you so that you do not struggle putting the pieces together after the certification.

Certification Outcomes

Be equipped with a full range of tools to help people find their purpose, passion achieve fulfilment with what they are doing.

Learn methods that help you connect easily with others, communicate effectively and establish powerful relationships at work.

Experience a full blown 2-day workshop that you will learn to deliver.

Learn to build your 1 or 2-day workshop filled with research, activities and templates for use in either a corporate setting or informal group.

Utilize EQ World’s trademark “50 Activities EQ Trainers Play” to build additional workshops in addition to being given a 2-day workshop.

Learn the EQ Competency Framework and how to debrief and coach your clients.

Practice coaching each other in each of the EQ competencies through various templates and activities shared.

Target Audience:

Leaders, Facilitators, Coaches & Consultants


4 Days

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